Finished: Saunio Cardigan of Named Clothing

The second make of the SewMyStyle Sewalong!
This time it was the Saunio Cardigan of Named Clothing. It is my first try with the Named patterns, and to be honest I am a bit intimidated by the patterns. They are very hip and have a lot of constructive details, and I always consider them out of my league (read: comfort zone).

Saunio Cardigan by Named Clothing
Saunio Cardigan by Named Clothing

The same with the Saunio Cardigan: a short but boxy/ oversized cardigan. Very simple, and could be elegant with a thin, very long hipster girl who likes to play with her silhouet. Everything I am not 🙂
(#momcore of the non hipster kind is more me)

But I tried the Saunio Cardigan (a heck why not) and I was pleasantly surprised. It kinda suits me!


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Finished: Saunio Cardigan of Named Clothing